Thursday 5 July 2012

Punda art

Since leaving Newman one special place we visited was Punda Aboriginal rock art site near the Coondiner River. I was blown away by the beauty of the site and of the art itself. The art is found on large rocks on a hillside beside a small spring and overlooks a gap in the surrounding hills down to the plains beyond. The hill itself has a marvellous conical peak, the perfect marker for a special site.

We had to get a permit to use a section of the BHP rail road to get there but no permit to visit the site itself. As it is open to the public I am working under the assumption it is ok to publish photos of the site and the art itself. The track in is typical 4wd although rocky with dips and hollows towards the end. Here is just a taste of the drawings chipped into the rockfaces.


  1. Wow, how beautiful. I would love to have seen them. I'm glad you photographed them.

  2. I want to go back there already. I would love to know more about the history of this site but the tourist bureau only gave us a mud map and no background info - a pity.

  3. It's some time since these pics were taken..however I noted stephen Scourfield has an article in the travel Mag of August 28th Inst; which brought back memories, Just as exciting as these are ones in the Whalberg ranges. Happy touring. cheers
