Wednesday 6 February 2013

Secretive rails

Every now and again we are lucky enough  to chance upon a buff-banded rail making an excursion into our garden. Recently I was outside early in the morning to pick a few ripe peaches for my breakfast. I love the sweet juicy flavour of gold fleshed peaches first thing in the morning. I eat a few while I pick them, and carry in the survivors with juice covered hands. Miske watches me attentively waiting for her share. I reluctantly give Miske a few morsels of the delectable flesh and any squishy fallen fruit. She loves to eat the summer fruits just as much as we humans do. One of the reasons we need to net our fruit is to keep Miske out, otherwise she would demolish any fruit within her reach.


Back to the rail. As I reached the fruit trees that morning, there in the shadows was a rail, quietly going about its business. Feeding in the grasses, pecking at the dandelion flowers, preening and stretching. I gently went back inside, grabbed my camera and came back out to photograph it. The rail seemed to be oblivious to my presence and carried on fossicking for quite some time before moving out of sight behind the swale. A day later I flushed it from beside the house feeding amongst the dichondra and roses. Off it flew down the paddock flashing its buff stripes.

Buff-banded rails are usually seen singly or sometimes in pairs. I have only seen individual rails here. They commonly are seen feeding early in the morning or late in the afternoon, hunting for anything from insects and small crustaceans and snails to seeds and fruits. And presumable dandelion flowers too. They live in dense damp vegetation found on the margins on wetlands both natural and man made. Their cup shaped nest is built on the ground, hidden in dense vegetation or reeds and grasses. Both parents incubate the young. The downy black chicks are able to leave the nest within twenty fours hours of hatching, being cared for by both parents in much the same way as chooks and ducks.


  1. You are so ... well you grab a camera when you see a bird like that and capture it forever ... I was going to say lucky but it is the intent and the mindset, yes?
    We used to see birds like that in our neighbourhood but I think the foxes have finished them off. We called them quails. Are they different?

    Also, on your snake posts ... our snake deterrents have been fixed. Even the skinks have moved out (which is sad, but telling). It's quite comforting to hear the solar powered thingies 'buurrr' while I'm watering the pumpkin patch. Living in tiger snake country has always been a bit jumpy but I'm feeling a bit better these days. They used to come into the house a lot. Now they stay down in the swamp. Yay.

  2. And another thing, there is a way to get rid of the word verification for comments, so that more people feel inclined to say hello on your blog without navigating all those steps. I can't remember how to do it right now ... you may get spammed a bit but not that much you can't deal with it. Feel free to delete this comment if you wish! :~)

  3. I didn't know there was a word verification thingy on my blog! I will have a look at it and see if I can fix it. Because yes they are annoying.

  4. I think its fixed up now - Thanks for that Sarah. The rails look a bit like quails but they are different - related to the water hens.
