Monday 27 May 2013


The afternoon warm was warm, the air still, lazy. The distant blue waters of the inlet mirrored the sky, occasional soft breezes skirmished the surface. A whipper snipper buzzed down the not so lazy kikuyu that sprang up in the late autumn warmth. A kookaburra claimed his territory.  High in a karri tree a ventriloquist magpie sang the songs of magpies, wattle birds and kookaburras. I wondered if the kookaburra I heard was really the ventriloquist. I don't know.

Then I spied a magpie hanging upside down, its claws clenched onto the tips of a karri branch, swinging wildly. It pecked at a cluster of leaves held together with webs - the hidey hole for some tasty morsels. Swinging. Leaves fluttered to the ground.  With the parcel secure in its beak the maggie arighted itself on a nearby branch to feast. Parcel clutched in the claws of one foot, the other clung to the branch. Peck, peck: it feasted then dropped the leftovers. All the while the ventriloquist sang.

Autumn days like that are just beautiful. Relax, soak up the sun. Watch the puppies gorge themselves on milk, then sleep and get fat. They've certainly got their priorities worked out. I sat in the sun and sketched blue wrens and fire tail finches as they flitted and fed around me.

This was the moon that night - a couple of nights ago. I've been trying to capture the moonrise as it hangs suspended in the last rays of the sunlight but I always seem to miss it. By the time I see the moon through the trees it is way up in the sky - just because of the lie of the land around here.

I remember a few years ago we were travelling up north near the Gascoyne River in the middle of winter. The rising full moon and setting sun both hung suspended above the horizon for what seemed like ages as the sky changed colour from gold and green to peach and pink then indigo that slowly arced across the sky. It was so beautiful.


  1. Those partying, ventriloquist magpies ...

  2. I'm sure they are there to make us smile.

  3. I remember a few years ago we were travelling up north near the Gascoyne River in the middle of winter.

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